Training seminars
You are looking for an individual seminar / training / education for your employees or for yourself? Then this is the right option for you.
I conduct trainings on site or online. Either 1:1 or with a group of employees.
The content can be customizedaccording to your needs. In this respect, the scope and time needed for the training then also varies.
It is very important to me that I not only teach you theoretical content, but that we also do a lot of practical exercises (e.g. learning how to search or how to read patent claims).
Possible content:
– What is a patent?
– What can you do with a patent?
– Where is a patent valid and for how long?
– Difference between patent and utility model
– Procedure from the invention disclosure to the patent
– Behavior of inventors during the different invention/patenting phases
– Patent systems (national, EP, PCT, unitary patent) and priority right
– Patent examination: prior art + patentability -> when is something patentable? Criteria for novelty & inventive step
– Structure of patent documents, classification of patent documents, information on cover sheet
– Structure of patent claims and patent language
– How do I read patent claims correctly?
–How do I recognize patent infringements?
– Search: search databases, search strategies – How do I search correctly?
– Recognizing the legal status (= Is the patent still in force?)
– How do I evaluate ideas correctly? Criteria and possible templates for decision making
– What are the rights and obligations of employer and employee?
– How does employee compensation in Germany work?
– Whatincentive systems can I use?
– How do I motivate developers to contribute to patent issues?
Interested? Then feel free to contact me!
Important note: My offer is not legal advice.